Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pregnancy And Prenatal Yoga

Most obstetricians will tell you to continue with your exercise regime while you are pregnant. It is important to keep your mind and body healthy for your unborn baby's sake. But there are limitations on what you can do. Some workouts are just too risky to participate in but there are some that are very, very low impact, which can give you a great workout throughout your entire pregnancy. Prenatal Yoga lead by Shiva Rea is one such workout.

Prenatal Yoga takes all three trimesters into account for those working out. You have Shiva Rea showing you the poses and you also get to see women in different trimesters performing the exercises. You can easily adjust your body to follow along with the women who happen to be as far along as you are. If you are in your first trimester, then you can easily do all three segments of the DVD for an extra workout session.

This DVD is an incredible find for women who want to strengthen their muscles and keep relaxed. It can be hard to be pregnant and find workout videos that allow you to get the workout you need while keeping your baby safe. It is a bonus to be able to see women in different trimesters doing the poses and stretches because you can be assured that they are taking the necessary precautions needed to keep their unborn children safe while still getting the recommended exercise they need.

The one thing you should keep in mind is that this DVD may not be right for you if you are on bed rest. If you always discuss any exercise routine with your physician before starting it, then you will be assured that it is okay for you to do certain exercises and poses that are part of the yoga workout.

One of the incredible benefits of prenatal yoga is that you learn breathing skills. Those breathing skills are going to be incredibly useful when you go into labor. Plus the hours spent learning how to control your muscles will help the process along as well.

Obviously, by now you understand the importance of exercising while pregnant. And Prenatal Yoga is definitely a workout routine that is completely safe for you to use throughout your entire pregnancy. Shiva Rea is a very experienced yoga instructor who can guide you through the exercises with great precision and care. The music and background, you will find, are very relaxing. And the more relaxed you are, the better your health will be.

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