Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yoga Poses For Losing Weight

While most people associate yoga poses with methods to relieve stress and stay flexible, they are also an effective method for losing weight. These yoga postures take a bit of time to get comfortable with, but once you get used to them you will notice a difference in how your body looks and feels.

You'll need to commit to the exercises at least three times a week, and be prepared to hold the different poses for approximately three to five deep breaths. There are many different poses you can do, but here are a few suggestions.

A popular yoga pose is called the Willow. This is the yoga posture probably most closely associated with yoga, where you stand with one leg tucked into the inner thigh of the other. Your hands are clasped together as if in prayer.

Take two deep breaths and then lift your hands up to the ceiling, exhaling as you do so, stretching your fingers as far up as they can go. As you inhale, twist your upper body to the side. Inhale again as you straighten your torso, and then do the same with your other leg lifted up.

The Crescent is another popular yoga pose that can help you lose weight. Wearing comfortable yoga clothing, you'll start by standing up with your hands at your sides and your feet together. Bring your arms up over your head as you take a deep breath and then bend at the waist as you exhale, dropping your hands to the floor.

Take another deep breath, and this time as you exhale, step backwards as far as you can go, using the ball of your foot to stay balanced. Inhale again and raise your hands up, holding for the full yoga benefits. Return to a standing position and do the same with the other leg.

The Easy pose is one of the yoga poses that is very useful for people who spend a lot of time sitting in chairs. Fold a thick blanket or two into a firm support about six inches high or sit with your back to a wall. Sit close to one edge of this support and stretch your legs out in front of your torso on the floor. Slowly cross your shins, widen your knees, and slip each foot beneath the opposite knee.

You will be bending your knees and folding your legs into your torso. Basically, you are sitting cross-legged. There should be a comfortable gap between the feet and pelvis. Yoga posture comes into play as your pelvis should be in a neutral position. Your hands are either in your lap with the palms up or over your knees with the palms down. Push your tail bone into the floor while doing the breathing, as this will strengthen your back, relieve stress and calm your brain.

These poses are not as easy as they sound, but they can be quickly learned so you can start right away and begin losing weight. There are many other yoga poses that you can use to lose weight, but the important thing is that you stick to a routine. Reduce the amount of poses and do fewer deep breaths if they are too difficult at the start, or increase the amount you do if you are not finding them challenging enough. After time, you will notice the yoga benefits.

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